Mathematical play is an important part in our everyday lives and is in nearly everything we do from reading a bus timetable to changing the TV channel, to weighing out ingredients or to checking our change from the supermarket just to name a few and it is during these early years that children can practise and master these fundamental skills.
our Toddlers Are Learning About Numeracy As they:
- Counting items using one to one correspondence
- Looking at shapes
- Talking about the volume a bucket will hold
- Learning words about weights and measures
estimate distances - Dividing up and sharing out food
- Explore empty and full
- Understand daily patterns of routines
- Complete knob puzzles to understand space
- Begin to understand prepositions (in/out)
Our Pre-schoolers Are Learning About Numeracy As They:
- Recognising shapes in the world
- Starting to sort by colour, shape, and size
- Using maths for a purpose
- Understanding that numerals stand for amounts
- Can count to 20
- Use spatial awareness to put puzzles together
- Count with the concept of one-to-one correspondence
- Start to make predictions
- Use cause and effect
- Compare and classify by height, size or gender
At Kids Castle you will find a variety of materials and resources that will allow the children to explore, investigate and master many of these mathematical skills as well as a group of educators to guide the learning and introduce mathematical concepts into the children’s world.

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